A magical introduction to Sudha Murty! Discover the delightful world of India's favorite writer with this curated collection of four heart - warming stories packaged as charming chapter books. Each...
IT WAS THE PERFECT CRIME Unfortunately, it also led to the perfect punishment. When Jack Rankin gets busted for defacing a school desk with a huge wad of disgusting, watermelon...
Ulysses faces many challenges on his way home from the Trojan War including a one-eyed giant, a witch and a many-headed whirlpool monster. Will he survive them all? Publisher ...
Pandu is a comic anthology from Kerala, featuring five stories, which delve into our collective past. In a world moving at a breakneck speed , Pandu is about slowing down, holding memories, reflections...
The third magical bookwandering adventure in the nationally bestselling Pages & Co. series, featuring Tilly Pages as she journeys to Washington, DC, to wander inside the books at the Library...
What secrets lie, up in your sky? Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wonder... ...what you are. Aakash and Rehan are having an extended streak of bad luck. Their umpteenth scheme...
From the phenomenal number-one bestseller David Walliams comes another collection of more hilariously horrible children! Illustrated in glorious and gruesome colour by artist genius, Tony Ross, these stories will appal...
All this snow means I get a day off school. YEAH! Shame I have to spend it with Marcus ( who's very annoying). Uncle Kevin thinks it's a good idea...
Dad wants to make a kite so we can go out and get lots of " FRESH AIR' . I wouldn't mind getting more fresh air if we had a...
The laugh-out-loud Tom Gates is back in another brilliant instalment of Liz pichon's bestselling illustrated series. Sometimes making up My mind isn't easy to do. Especially when My grumpy sister...
My tips for being top of the class ( Sadly I did none of these things.) 1. Stay awake in lessons. (It helps). 2. Don't draw hilarious pictures of your...
Stella Saxby is the sole heir to Saxby Hall. But awful Aunt Alberta and her giant owl will stop at nothing to get it from her. Luckily Stella has a...