YOU must not go any further. HAVE you any idea of what lies between these perilous pages? (How could you? Except perhaps if you were to catch a whiff of musty mummies or dusty tombs. . . ) TO keep reading would be foolish. STOP immediately. (Please, I beg you. ) THIS has really gone too far. . . (You have to stop this!) The secret is out. The fifth, phenomenal and final book in the 'Secret' series.
About the Author
Pseudonymous Bosch is a pseudonym, or as he would prefer to call it (because he is very pretentious), a nom de plume. Unfortunately, for reasons he cannot disclose, but which should be obvious to anyone foolhardy enough to read this book, he cannot tell you his real name. But he admits he has a deep-seated fear of mayonnaise. Fortunately, this has not proved an impediment to The Secret Series selling over two million copies worldwide.
Author : Pseudonymous Bosch
Publisher : Usborne Publishing Ltd
Binding Type : Paperback
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 978-1409583868