Duncan's Crayons are back with yet another wild range of colorful demands!
Boy, Duncan's crayons sure are a colorful bunch of characters. Having soothed the hurt feelings of one group who threatened to quit, Duncan now faces a whole new group of crayons asking to be rescued!
From Maroon Crayon, who was lost beneath the sofa cushions and then broken in two after dad sat on him; to Turquoise, whose head is now stuck to one of Duncan's stinky socks after they ended up in the dryer together—each crayon has a woeful tale to tell and a plea to be brought home to the crayon box.
About the Author
Drew Daywalt is an award-winning, #1 New York Times bestselling children’s author whose books include The Day the Crayons Quit, The Day the Crayons Came Home, and The Legend of Rock Paper Scissors. Drew loves to play Rock, Paper, Scissors, but most of the time he can’t decide fast enough which one to pick and ends up making some bizarre shape with his hand that looks like a weird octopus with a hat. He’ll claim Weird Octopus with Hat beats everything, but don’t let him pull that nonsense on you.
Author : Drew Daywalt
Publisher : Harper Collins Childrens Books
Binding Type : Paperback
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 978-0008124441