The body is a huge topic, but this friendly book breaks it down into bite-sized chunks.
Did you know you cry two types of tears? And up to 30 trillion red blood cells pass through your heart in a minute? With colourful, infographic-style illustrations this informative book is packed with surprising facts and useful information on exactly 100 topics about the human body. A useful reference book for home, school and general knowledge quizzes. Winner - Sainsbury's Children's Book Awards 2017 - Learning & Development.
About the Author
Alex Frith has been a children's non-fiction author since 2005. Working exclusively for Usborne Publishing, he has written over 50 books covering almost any subject you can think of, from the origins of the Universe to the meaning behind world religions, from extinct animals to prototype AIs, and from Japanese legends to Norse mythology. Two of his books have been shortlisted for the Royal Society Young's People's Book Prize: See Inside Inventions (2012), and 100 Things to Know About Space (2017).
Author : Alex Frith
Publisher : Usborne Publishing Ltd
Binding Type : Hardcover
Language : English
ISBN-13 : 978-1474916158